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emitted radiation中文是什么意思

用"emitted radiation"造句"emitted radiation"怎么读"emitted radiation" in a sentence


  • 发射辐射


  • The detectors of the emitted radiation are synchronized to their specific element's source .
  • Since black holes do not classically emit radiation , the thermodynamic viewpoint was simply an analogy
  • Temperature of the black body that emits radiation of the same chromaticity as the radiation considered
  • Energy from the sun gives warmth and sustains all life on earth . the sun also emits radiation of different wavelengths , among which is the invisible ultraviolet radiation
  • His descriptions of how light can act as particles , how atoms can emit radiation , and how velocity and gravity affect clocks are all important to making common devices work today
  • Then , upsetting the universal belief that nothing , not even light , can escape from a black hole , he used the quantum theory to demonstrate that these miniholes ( and larger ones too ) emit radiation
  • Ultraviolet radiation from the sun energy from the sun gives warmth and sustains all life on earth . the sun also emits radiation of different wavelengths , among which is the invisible ultraviolet ( uv ) radiation
  • It was buried far deeper than myth and the oral history had led us to expect and it emitted radiation and absorbed radiation to simulate the natural character of its surroundings , a mechanical mimesis which is not surprising of itself
用"emitted radiation"造句  


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